How to successfully pass an interview in 6 steps

Whether it’s been a long time since you’ve been interviewed, or you just decided to change your career, or just had a sudden forgetfulness, you might need a little reminder of how to prepare for an interview. So, you have to divide the process so you know exactly what you need to do to succeed in every step.

During  the interview w eek : practice answering interview questions

Let one of your friends simulate an interview for you and then evaluate your performance (do you talk too fast?). After you’ve been good at the above, try answering behavioral questions; Because they are almost always presented in one form or another. If you have some extra time, work on answering on other questions. You should also prepare five questions for you to ask in the interview. Those questions can be anything about the type of projects you’ll be working on, how you’ll be trained, the company’s plan in the next five years.

The night before : arrange your clothes and your game plan

Spend the night interviewing information about the company by looking at its website and social media pages.

Interview day :  cover last minute details

Set your alarm sooner than usual to give yourself the chance to wake up completely. Have a healthy breakfast. Plans to get to the office five minutes early. Ask your self : is there anything I should know about the interview format? Like: Will one or three people be interviewed? Do I know everyone’s names? How long is the interview expected? If it will last all day, maybe bring an extra snack or makeup. Is there anything else I should bring? Plus, of course, a few copies of your resume.

During the interview: Be yourself!

Honesty is the best policy when it comes to interviews. It’s okay not to know everything, no matter how willing you are.

If it’s a phone interview:

Speak slowly and slowly, keep a positive and confident tone, and clearly conclude when you’re done talking so that the interviewer knows how to move forward (and you can avoid the moments of conversation between the parties at the same time being embarrassed). For more help, take a look at these tips for phone interviews.

After the interview : send a thank you message

No matter how you feel, it’s always good to send a thank you message – and the most appropriate day is the same day. Keep it short, simple, and at the heart of the matter.

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